A healthy, homemade Syrup to keep you and your Family Healthy

The Ohioan Winter is peaking early this year and I can already hear my children nose's drooling. I knew it was time for me to bring back the remedy my Tunisian mom swore by. A Power Boost Syrup that would reinforce you and your family's Immune System and prepare everybody for the cold winter

Maybe you drink Ginger and Honey Tea every day when you feel your throat being scratchy. Maybe you add a lemon slice to your tea to help soothe your cold. Either way, these tips are well known to fight the cold and have been working for generations. 

However, one ingredient remains less popular than the others and yet has strong anti-inflammatory properties as well as reinforcing the overall immune system. That ingredient is probably already in your pantry: Garlic!

My mom always swore by garlic, honey, and lemon as remedies for everything and especially to get ready for the winter. Tummy ache? Garlic, honey, and lemon. Headache? Garlic, honey, and lemon. Sore throat? Garlic, honey, and lemon. It was the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) of remedy and worked on me every time as a kid. As an adult, I added Ginger to the remedy and made this Syrup even better.

Today I'm happy to share with you my late Mom's Super Health Syrup. 

This syrup has wonderful properties and benefits in terms of health and overall well-being. Read below.

Here are the benefits of my late mom Super Health Syrup:


Garlic is a valuable medicinal vegetable that is rich in health benefits. History of garlic dates back to ancient civilizations where it was used as a food preservative and medicine. Garlic has many health benefits such as lowering cholesterol levels, preventing heart disease and cancer, treating colds and flu, fighting infections, and lowering blood sugar levels.


Honey has a long history of proven benefits as a natural remedy and healing agent. Honey is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc that help boost the immune system. It's also antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties make it one of the most versatile natural remedies for your health


An alkalizing food that reduces acidity and inflammation, lime has many health benefits. It can help reduce nausea and heartburn, improve digestion, but also relieve muscle pain, backache and arthritis as well as headaches and menstrual cramps.


Ginger is a superfood that has been used throughout history for its health benefits. Today, science has proven it can help soothe coughs and cold symptoms, alleviate nausea during pregnancy, ease muscle pain and improve digestion.

How to make this syrup

The good thing about this syrup is its affordability. Honey is a little bit more pricey than the rest of the ingredients but garlic, lime and ginger are affordable.

It is also very easy to do. Once you prep all the ingredients just put them all in a blender, strain the syrup and store in the fridge. 

How to drink this syrup

You can consume this syrup daily as a preventive measure or when you and the family feel under the weather or need a little boost to face the winter. 

If you worry about drinking garlic (no worry, my husband felt weird about it too), consider making this syrup into shots

Shots are small drinks that are perfect for the on-the-go while adding a quick healthy boost to all the members of the family. 

I purchased these adorable bottles from Amazon when my husband wanted me to make him Beets Shots for Post-Workout Muscle Soreness.  Now I use these bottles to make different shots according to my family's health needs, my special beauty regiments, or just energy drinks. 

Shots are easy to make and easy to drink. Needless to say, they cost a fraction of what they would cost at the store and you can make them to your taste.

Here's the link to get these bottles for shots. They are so cute and versatile.

You can also add this Syrup to your smoothies and teas. It's a great way to hide its strong flavor for the kiddos.  Check out my Power Berry Smoothie Recipe using this Syrup.


For 8 shots

  • 1/2 cup of sliced ginger
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lime, peeled and sliced
  • 1/3 cup of honey
  • 2 cups of water
  • Glass Jar or Small Shots Bottles


In your blender, add 2 cups of water, the ginger, garlic and lime. Blend. Strain.

Add the honey, mix it all together and store the Health Syrup and store in a jar in the fridge. 

You could pour honey in the shots bottle and add the syrup on top.

It can keep fresh for a week (probably more) but trust me, it won't last. 


This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the author nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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