Step aside, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, there's a new sheriff in town!

Roll into Fall with these delicious, delectable No-Bake Pumpkin Chocolate Energy bites. 

I bring to you these delicious, delectable and healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Energy Bites that will give joy and energy to you and the whole fam! Whether you are a fan of everything pumpkin or not at all (like moi!) you will love these energy bites. 

Brew Some Coffee, I gotta a Story for ya...

I began making these energy bites during my 4th pregnancy. By the third trimester, I lost all my appetite. I was tired, irritable, sleepy and at time, in pain. More importantly, I was deprived of all my favorite foods. Pizza? Yeah right. Iced coffee? I wish. Lasagna?  A dream. I wish to relate to those excepting mamas who smash chips with peanut butter and burgers with fries. My sense of smell and my nausea stopped me from enjoying all the finer things in life as well as the fatty, greasy, sugary foods that I was craving.

All of those feelings of nausea stopped the second I delivered my little baby. It was instant. It was magical.

And now I was sitting in my hospital room, starving. 

I didn't eat anything the day before I was admitted to the hospital, during my labor and  all the way up until I was admitted to the recovery room. That's a whole lotta time without food. But I was so concernent with delivering my baby, I didn't feel hungry. 

But then I was.

I mean I was so hungry, I felt I could eat an entire bakery.

I was so excited to eat again. When I picked up the phone to order my first meal, I asked “How many desserts can I have?” the operator on the phone replied “You can have three desserts. How many would you like?” I said “YES.”

And just like that, my appetite came back like Mariah Carey on the first of November. I can taste food, I can smell. It was fantastic.

On the day of my delivery, after gobbling two burgers, 4 packs of baked chips, two chocolate chips, and three puddings, I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t go back home, eat this way, and expect to stay healthy and fit while still supplying breastmilk to my baby. I had to find a snack that would answer my cravings while still being healthy(ish) and (extra)yummy. I also needed this snack to be easy and no-bake because, with three children and now a whole breastfed newborn, I would not have time.

I remembered these energy bites my children prepared at their library cooking club. These energy bites had all of my least favorite things, rolled oats and seed butter, chia seeds, raw pumpkin purée and pumpkin spice. However, when all these ingredients were mixed together and formed into a ball, I was blown away. They were the best snacks ever! Sweet but not too much, easy to make, and ready in no time! Did I mention absolutely delicious?

I thought I liked these energy bites so much because of the chocolate, which I admit, I kinda went overboard with it (who wouldn't, it's chocolate!). However, even when I attempted this recipe without the chocolate chips, it was still absolutely delicious!

They are also highly nutritious. They are full of protein, thanks to the seed butter and the pumpkin puree add extra vitamins, calcium and potassium.

When I crave something sweet, I can make them quickly, place them in the fridge, and eat them when I breastfeed my little mama. 

These snacks are ideal for

Breastfeeding mamas: not only are they easy to make, they are easy to eat. I always make sure I have a Tupperware full of these bites in my fridge so I can munch on them while breastfeeding little princess.

Toddlers and Children: The bites makes these snacks easy to grab and eat for the early eaters as well as the older children. The chocolate chips make the snacks highly attractive for picky eaters as well.

Breakfast on the go: These bites can be grabbed on the way out when you didn't have time to make breakfast for the children. Because of the oats, these bites are practically a bowl of oatmeal.

School Lunches: Just add these delectable bites to the children school lunches. They will give your kiddos energy and will keep them happy because they are so good.

Picnics: These Pumpkin Chocolate Energy Bites are wonderful for a picnic because they are so easy to pack. For a fancy picnic, plant a toothpick for presentation and serve them along with cheese. Everyone will be amazed! But, make sure to keep them cool so the chocolate and nut butter doesn't melt the whole think into a mess (keep on reading if you don't mind the mess.)

Outdoor Activities: Highly nutritious and full of protein, the Energy Pumpkin Chocolate Bites are a great addition to your snacks to keep full. I will suggest to keep these snacks for moderate weather because the heat will melt the nut butter and chocolate chips. However, you can throw the bites in a cup with a lid, let them melt and eat with a spoon. It will be like a "healthy dessert"!

For this recipe you would need:

Seed Butter : I am not a big fan of peanut butter so at first, I was turned off by this recipe. But then I tried it with Sunflower Seed butter and fell in love with it. I tried with both natural and creamy Sunflower Seed Butter for this recipe and they both worked well. Just like natural peanut butter, the Natural Sunflower seed butter is more runny which makes it easier to mix but messier to roll into balls. If the mix is too runny, don't hesitate to add a little more oats (or chocolate chips, shhhh.)

Pumpkin purée: The cooking club my kids took had a fall theme which explains the addition of the pumpkin purée. It ads flavor and moistness to the mixture. It is also surprisingly good. Can you omit it? Yes. Should you? I mean, not really, but you do you!

Rolled Oats: I like using rolled oats than old-fashion oats because it makes mixing easier and I love the consistency of it. I have tried the recipe with both and it works either way. 

Maple Syrup: It adds sweetness and moisture to the mixture. You can substitute with honey but I like Maple Syrup here better because the flavor doesn’t take over the energy balls.

Pumpkin Spice: The spice gives these energy that distinctive pumpkin flavor that is so popular during the fall season. You can omit the spice and the energy balls will still be delicious (which I usually do.)

Mini Chocolate Chip: These are a must. They’re what make this energy balls so delicious and delectable. I use Semi-Sweet but feel free to use whichever you like. 

Additional Add-ons

Try this fun add-ons to elevate these bites:

- Shredded Coconuts

- Chia Seeds

- Crushed Nuts

- Dates

- Peanut Butter Chips

- Mini M&M's


This recipe yields 12 1tbsp sized bites. Feel free to double, triple or more this recipe.

1/4 Cup Nut butter, I prefer Sunflower Seeds.

1/4 Cup canned Pumpkin Purée.

2 Tbsp Maple Syrup or Honey.

1 Cup Quick Oats.

1/4 Cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips. (or more, wink wink)

1/2 Tsp Pumpkin Spice

A pinch of Salt

Homemade, pumpkin spice, energy balls, healthy snack, fall flavors, nutritious, easy recipe, pumpkin, spices, bite-sized


1) In a bowl, add the butter, purée, maple syrup, pumpkin spice, and salt. Stir to combine.

2) Add the oats and the mini chocolate chips. Mix until all ingredients are combined. If you wish to add chia seeds, you can do so.

3) Taste the mixture to determine if it needs any adjusting. Add more oats if the mixture is too wet, and more maple syrup if it's too dry. The right consistency is achieved when the mixture can be formed into a ball without sticking to the hand.

4) Chill in the fridge for 10 minutes.This makes rolling easier. Roll the mixture into balls to the size of your liking. Repeat until all the mixture is gone.

5) Place the Pumpkin Spice Energy Balls into an airtight container and store them in the fridge for a week.

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